Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Seeing The Aged Pup's Beautiful Soul And Embracing A Floral Gift

--by LiliAB, posted Dec 6, 2017
The lady was on the wide walkway as were my hubby and I. Her white-muzzled dog was behind her moving slowly. The dog caught my gaze and he grinned in a precious toothy tongue lolling way. I smiled back and asked if I could pet him. The lady nodded and as I reached out to pet the dog, he met my hand with a doggie kiss.

"These are for you," the lady said as she then handed me a bouquet from her cutting garden just beyond the walkway," for seeing my dog's beautiful soul".

Tonight back in our hotel room the flowers now in a vase, I am reminded of the importance of seeing others beautiful souls, furry friends included.
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Readers Comments

pyronik wrote: how wonderful :-) I love your description of his grin
mindyjourney wrote: How lovely that you received flowers too today! What a lovely bouqet and thoughtful reason to be gifted with them 🌺.
sandyremillar wrote: lovely experience....we are all one....
splain wrote: That would have just made your day!!!!
michelelpurce wrote: How wonderful! :)
Mish wrote: Totally beauty-full on both sides ❤️💐🐶
Alisamom wrote: Awe that's so lovely!
kjoyw wrote: Thes are so beautiful! Perfect for you!
leoladyc728 wrote: I would have asked to pet him too
ms_joy wrote: Good for you for seeing the goodness in other creatures & showing loving kindness!

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