Readers Comments
Sydney wrote: This is a really great post that captures a really great day!
What a positive way for a day that had started of 'wrong' to end.
Keep up the smiles! ;-)
What a positive way for a day that had started of 'wrong' to end.
Keep up the smiles! ;-)
Richard wrote: Thank you for sharing this. And it's wonderful to have this powerful new word "baraka" added to my vocabulary. It's a word we need. Knowing it, and having its meaning made apparent, can help its reality come more often into the world.
twiceblessed wrote: What a wonderful thing that you guys did, and that you experienced along the way. It is truly through the process of emptying ourselves and giving selflessly that we receive the gift of 'baraka'.
cabbagepatch wrote: What a fantastix experience. So true when you dfo something with love for others the bowl is never empty. Your group is an inspiration to all.
Sri wrote: I was around briefly to hear about the planning, to hear about the unfolding and the way you experienced it is cool.
Thanks. Sri
Thanks. Sri
Shez wrote: I am the husband. Yes they were tasty when they first came out of the oven and yes there was a chemical reaction that happened overnight - one that did not cause me to smile for most of the day!
Seriously, sounds like a truly amazing experience was had by all. I know karishma came back with a big smile!
Seriously, sounds like a truly amazing experience was had by all. I know karishma came back with a big smile!
Sarah wrote: What a wonderful story. You and your group did a great thing. It made people believe in kindness again.
lilmorningdove wrote: What a blessing thank you for sharing
dhivyashana wrote: Thank you for sharing this