Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Need A Push?

--by Marleen , posted Dec 19, 2017
While walking home, with a Christmas box from my work hanging in a bag at my steering wheel, I saw an elderly lady sitting on her cart.

I had to ask "are you ok?" I don't know what she said, but she seemed to understand my gesture. She needed to go a certain direction. I have no idea what language she spoke, but I figured out she did not understand English or any other language I comprehend. It was starting to get dark and a little chilly, and I knew she needed help and that her legs weren't carrying her that far.

She tried to gesture to some people and a young lady even stopped to try to communicate with her, but nobody seemed to know her language. We eventually figured out that she spoke Arabic, but another man who stopped to help didn't speak it either.

Finally we somehow managed to figure out which way she needed to go. I had set my bike aside and in a combined effort pushed the lady in the direction she gestured. 700m further on and across the road, she thanked us profusely and continued on at her own pace.

It was a small effort on our part, but I was very glad we could help out!
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: thank you for. taking the time to bridge the communication gap and help woman on her way :)))). combined energies save the day! :))
Painiacs wrote: Bless you for helping her!!!
Mish wrote: That was a beauty-full team effort that you initiated! Bless you.
mnc_91 wrote: Thank you for being the helping and bridging hand 😊
kjoyw wrote: Thank you so much for helping her!
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for helping this woman. You were her angels today

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