Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thank You for Reminding Me to Breathe

--by nrhugs, posted Dec 26, 2017
While I was walking to the subway, I watched as a young man was inches away from being run down by a car. The young kid was walking aimlessly in the street but the person driving the car changed lanes and sped up purposely to hit him. I helped the kid up and realized he was noticeably mentally not well too.

I had a choice here, to help or not. I chose to help but to help within my limits. Once we cleaned up his scrapes, we walked towards the subway. I asked if he wanted to take some deep breaths with me; he tried but they were shallow and quick. I stopped and said I'd teach him. So we breathed in to five and out to five a few times before walking again, and he finally calmed down. He gave me a hug, took a deep breath, then looked me directly in the eyes and said, "I almost had to die today to relearn how to live. Thank you for reminding me to breathe."
975 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Thank you for caring and acting. Bless.
splain wrote: Thank you
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for being his angel today, my friend...breathing lessons, we all need them from time to time <3.
Alisamom wrote: Such wonderful kindness, for the kid as well as yourself
melnotes wrote: Wow this si an amazing share! Thank you for your kindness :)
lt33 wrote: Wow so glad u were there for that kid at the right time u were put there to save that boy what an amazing aok u showed today 😉
leoladyc728 wrote: really touching. thank you for sharing
suse15 wrote: Wow. What a humbling reminder of how an act of kindness and reverence for life can mean SO much - and you did it with kind boundaries for self as well.
kjoyw wrote: Blessings for what you did!
dotmatrix wrote: Instantly pictured my son out there, being helped by an angel. Bless you, my dear, for your beautiful heart. ♥.

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