Readers Comments
Mish wrote: Thank you for caring and acting. Bless.
splain wrote: Thank you
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for being his angel today, my friend...breathing lessons, we all need them from time to time <3.
Alisamom wrote: Such wonderful kindness, for the kid as well as yourself
melnotes wrote: Wow this si an amazing share! Thank you for your kindness :)
lt33 wrote: Wow so glad u were there for that kid at the right time u were put there to save that boy what an amazing aok u showed today 😉
leoladyc728 wrote: really touching. thank you for sharing
suse15 wrote: Wow. What a humbling reminder of how an act of kindness and reverence for life can mean SO much - and you did it with kind boundaries for self as well.
kjoyw wrote: Blessings for what you did!
dotmatrix wrote: Instantly pictured my son out there, being helped by an angel. Bless you, my dear, for your beautiful heart. ♥.