Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Administering Love on The Oncology Ward

--by LiliAB, posted Jan 2, 2018
My precious mentee at 24 is facing a stomach cancer diagnosis. The city hospital where she is now at awaiting treatment bustles with dozens of uninsured, young and old oncology patients.

In the midst of it all is Stella, wearing her overalls, the pockets filled with lip balm and sweets, as  the ward greeter and volunteer extraordinaire.

Stella spends part of her every weekend on the 5th floor, in the oncology ward. She has her alcove where a few of her"LOVE" tools of care and ministry, are kept. As I came by to see my mentee, Stella was soon quietly, reverently listening, as she was walking along beside us in the hallway. Her notepad in hand, Stella inquired of us if there were items that we would like to borrow. Nail polish? Foot cream? Scented forehead mask? Or perhaps a Word Puzzle magazine? " I hope you linger and make some memories," she stated hopefully.

Gentle, respectful, kind hearted, much appreciated is Stella's ministry. She honors her sister, who transitioned after time on this oncology ward.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: The Stellas of our world are ministering angels 😇 Prayers for your mentee 🙏
leoladyc728 wrote: Blessings to Stella. she is a blessing to others
Rajni wrote: Love is the law of life however some people go against the law and make life miserable. Love can conquer anything. Thanks for this lovely post
mindyjourney wrote: Dear Stella ❤️. What a lovely way to honor her sister's memory. Thank you for being there for your mentee, dear lili. How can we help? Maybe send cards...?
DANCE wrote: oh dearest, thank u
cabbage wrote: Big hugs to stella for her inspiration and to you and your mentee---healing thoughts to you both.
Aesthete wrote: I love when people strive to be a blessing for others, and truly consider them! Thank you stella for your work and thank you liliab for sharing this beautiful experience! May stella, you, and your mentee be blessed. 🙏🏻
Kixx wrote: Such a sweet story, and so beautifully written, too. Thank you.

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