Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Goldmine of KindSpring

--by MileHighPnutpusher, posted Dec 28, 2017
This is just what I needed! I'm indeed grateful for finding this website. Throughout my life I've always loved doing for others...small things...leave money at a vending machine, pay for a stranger's breakfast, pay for the car behind me in the drive up, etc.

So when I found this website I was looking for some new ideas to pay it forward! I am a Flight Attendant and I fly many evenings. I plan on leaving a nice card and some chocolates for the next Flight Attendants! I hope I can start something contagious throughout our flying system!

Looking forward to reading more inspiring ideas from all of those who share stories here.
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Readers Comments

AnnC wrote: So happy to have you join us! I am excited to hear all your kindness stories.
Rajni wrote: Welcome to the flight of never ending Kindness. In the stories tab you will find many many inspiring stories that you can emulate. I love making Greeting Cards and some quote Cards. I actively started taking active interest in community, 3 weeks ago. I love the way they express their stories and responses to someone's postings. I am from New Jersey USA, Keep in touch.
laughingsoul wrote: I understand so well your joyful excitement, I am as happy as you to have found this site. Yes indeed, kindness is contagious, how very lovely and inspiring way to spread it, hat off to you dear Francie!
splain wrote: So nice to meet you. you have really come to a great site.
lt33 wrote: Hi so glad you joined this kindness tribe can't wait to read your posts 😉
mindyjourney wrote: yay!!! kindness in the skies :))). Enjoy journeying with kindness, so many opportunties <3. Welcome and many blessings, my friend! Good to know about chocolates and flight attendents <3
alisamom wrote: I'm so glad you found us, I'm looking forward to reading your posts! :))))
kiwicat wrote: We are fabulous!! That's so lovely, now when I fly I bring on board a box of chocolates and a thank you note for the cabin crew - saying thanks for keeping us all safe and happy.
leoladyc728 wrote: Welcome. This is really the best site ever. I know you will love it
AndiCas wrote: Who doesn't like chocolate? Great idea, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about your kindness adventures.

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