Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Together We Make it Happen

--by Alisamom, posted Jan 5, 2018
At the store today there was a long line. Eventually they opened up another register.

The person at the front of the first register had problems paying. The manager who ran second register kept getting up to override the first register.

People started to get angry.

Eventually everyone realized that the costumer only had enough money to pay for the groceries; not enough to cover tax.
Someone behind me started handing dollar bills forward. Soon everyone joined in and helped pay for the difference.

I loved it.

There truly are kind people everywhere.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: A kinder world, my friend :))). Grateful! Tx for being a part of the kindness chain :))
lt33 wrote: That is wonderful act you got to witness 💜💜
leoladyc728 wrote: great people sharing
LiliAB wrote: This story is so heartwarming. Thank you so much for sharing. I so enjoyed meeting you my dear kind sister 💞
Aesthete wrote: What a beautiful happening! Always good to know these things happen. Thanks for sharing!

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