Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Small Christmas Miracle During a Challenging Time

--by mindyjourney, posted Dec 18, 2017
Every time I see an outside evergreen decorated with lights, I remember the kindness of my father-in-law's neighbors.

A few years ago, Dad was in at home hospice care during the holidays, confined to the back guest room turned medical center. His bed faced the neighbor's hedge of bushes and a huge evergreen.

When the neighbors found out that was Dad's view, they decorated the tree with so many colored lights that it nearly lit up the whole backyard 🎄!!!

No one else could really see or appreciate their tree of Light from that vantage point, except for Dad, lying in his bed, preparing to transition.

Time slowed and everything became washed in the glow of Peace, as it does in those special moments of pivotal events. Grateful that Dad, and all of us who visited, had those Lights to help guide us thru a challenging time.

Many thanks to each of you who choose to Light the darkness. Your kindness and guidance ripples out in unforeseen, yet wonderful ways.
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Readers Comments

Aesthete wrote: Beautiful story! Thank you for sharing!
lindariebel wrote: May we all have such a thoughtful neighbor when our time comes
Painiacs wrote: What awesome neighbors!
LiliAB wrote: This brings tears to my eyes. So lovely
heirloommaters wrote: This brought tears. What truly wonderful caring people!
janfour wrote: Genuine loving kindness so nice to read. Thank you
Prak wrote: May we all be that kind of neighbor.
Drewman wrote: I think about my grandpa’s house all the time, especially around the holiday season. These are some of the strongest memories i have. Thanks for sharing!

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