Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Ride To The Station, When We Were Running Late

--by guddee, posted Sep 2, 2009

A few days ago, I was going to the railway station to drop off my husband for work. We were late that day and he was about to miss his train. Unfortunately, the traffic was terrible as well.

While we were driving, we saw a man walking alongside the road in a hurry. We stopped the car and asked him if he was going somewhere and whether we could drop him off on our way. He said he was going to the station and he was about to miss his train. He didn’t have a car.

Apparently, the man had recently moved from India, had a small girl and he couldn’t afford the expense of a car. A friend who had been regularly giving him a ride was out of town for a week. He was walking almost half an hour every day because there was no bus stop nearby. He had already received a warning for being late to work. He was so relieved when we asked him if he needed a ride. The rest of the way, he thanked us profusely for helping him.

 At that time, I had no idea that a small act of kindness could have saved him from getting fired. I am glad that we stopped the car for him and made his day. Thanks to all of you here for posting stories of kindness that provided me with the nice thought of helping this man.

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Readers Comments

guddee wrote: Thank you for the comments everyone! Exactly, by doing small things for someone, we can play a big role in someone's life. Pray to God to give us a strength to be able to do his work.
bwawili wrote: Rock on! Great job of being aware and being able to help a stranger out! Keep doin' the small acts of kindness. =)
grapes wrote: Great Experience for you!
thanks for sharing it here.

Hope you write more stories of the small acts to inspire more people
Sydney wrote: It was great to read this. One small act of kindness by you seems to have helped that person so much.
Keep up the kind work ;-)
sequoiaproject wrote: Acts of kindness like this have ripple effects, and do change lives. Thank you
Veena wrote: Wonderful!
cabbage wrote: Wow----you and your husband are ANGELS of compassion. THANK YOU so much for keeping that man from losing his job....what a gift you gave him. Many blessings, lots of love and hugs to you.
Aurelia wrote: Great Story. Thanks for helping a stranger. You've made a new friend :)
Isn't it wonderful.
vinanth wrote: nice job..
you have shown that the act of kindness which appear small to us 'll have a lot of impact on others...

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