Suppose you only have two items to pay for, but the person in front of you has a shopping cart full of groceries and you are hoping they will let you go before them, since only one cashier's lane is open? I usually luck out when it happens to me, and yes, people have usually paid it forward, and I have received the good fortune of being told to go ahead of a full cart as well.
But this day was different! This time, I was getting ready to pay for 2 items, and the woman BEHIND me had a full shopping cart of food, but I happenned to notice a woman behind HER only had one item.
Once again, only one cashier line was available, and it was obvious the woman with the one item was anxious and disappointed that she was behind someone with a full cart of food! The woman with the full cart ignored her completely, even when she asked if she wouldn't mind if she could get ahead of her since she only had one item. Incredibly, the full-shopping-cart-woman said No. I was so mortified.
Just before the cashier started to process my two items, I stopped her and said to the one-item-woman in line, "Miss - please get in front of me. I only have two items, and you only have one!" The woman was just so happy and the cashier, impressed with my generous spirit, smiled and told me that I had made her day. The one-item-woman kept thanking me, and of course, the full-shopping-cart lady looked like a fool!
I am so thankful that I have the spirit of kindness in me - because kindness to others is something that always gives good hearts a smile!