Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Best Stop On The Way Home

--by foodbankcarlisa, posted Jan 7, 2018
After work one day I decided to take a meal to an elderly lady on my way home. While sitting and visiting with her, she began to tell me it was her birthday. I wished her a happy birthday and asked what she had gotten for her birthday. She told me that she was so happy to say that she had received the best birthday present she could ever get and that was a hot meal.

I asked her how old she was and she told me she was 83 years young. I reached in my apron pocket and pulled out all the money I had made in my little restaurant that day and asked her to help me count it. She was happy to do so...she got a real kick out of counting the money. She said she had not seen that much money in a very long time. She soon yelled out $143.87!

I asked her to count out $83 and that was her birthday gift...a dollar for every year. She was so excited it bought her to tears...she told me it was the first time anyone had ever given her anything like that. As for me...that was my best stop on "the way home trip" ever.
1930 Reads

Readers Comments

rickhiker wrote: You cannot give without receiving tenfold, but it won't be in $ it will be in joy! Thank you for making our world 10 times richer.
Jared wrote: Wow you are so generous! What a birthday gift!
lt33 wrote: Oh my what a beautiful story what you did for that lady a perfect stranger was so nice of you this was so touching thanks for sharing 😉💜😉
Aesthete wrote: I love "old" people with a genuine personality! Bless you and her!
BlueBeacon wrote: So beautiful! What a fantastic act of kindness!
mittalrashmi wrote: Well done. It was a great idea
melnotes wrote: How very cool!
lindariebel wrote: Lovely creativity.
the3jewels wrote: Beautiful story.
burns wrote: I can feel her joy!

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