Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ticket Checker On The Way To Bangalore

--by pavoor, posted Sep 12, 2009

I was travelling  in the train from Raichur to Bangalore, on the Mumbai-Coimbatore Express in India.  The train was full and chugging its way along .

In the seats nearby was the Ticket Checker,  an elderly man sitting with his papers.  In the afternoon, another man came hesitantly towards the TC and was enquired if he was the TC who was traveling until Bangalore.  The TC nodded, and said, "Yes, what do you want?"  He said, "Sir I boarded the train last night in a hurry and it seems that in the hurry I have lost my purse.  I do not have any money with me, and I have not had any food for the last 12 hrs.  I need to eat something -- can I get Rs100/- from you?  I have called my friend who will meet me at the Bangalore station with the money and I will pay you back."  I thought, "This usually happens in India, one more con man, neatly dressed trying his way."  

The TC just looked at him, handed over Rs100/- and said, "Son, I am alighting at the next stop and a new TC will take over."  The man  just stood and said, "Sir, please give me your account details at the bank and I will deposit the money I owe you."  The TC gave the number.

The man replied, "Sir, without even asking my credentials, how did you give this to me?"  The TC said, "Son of all the thousands of people travelling in the train you came to me and asked for money to eat. This is the month of Ramadan, and I feel it's God's gesture to feed  you today, whether you pay me back or not."  At the next stop the elderly TC alighted the train and went away.

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Readers Comments

monkeyinpajamas wrote: Loved this story :) thanks for sharing
Bluebell wrote: Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Blubell
Sanyogita wrote: The TC is very kind enough to help a stranger.Thnaks or sharing.

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