Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Microscopic Actions With Profound Effects

--by heirloommaters, posted Jan 17, 2018
This past fall, my husband and I stopped into the local Aldi for groceries. While checking out, I did my usual practice of responding to the cashier's usual, "How are you today?" with a short but real answer. Then I looked at her and said, "And how are YOU doing?" and waited kindly and expectantly for an answer.

She was a little surprised, but then she got rolling. As it turned out, her elderly grandfather was uppermost in her mind as he had been struggling lately and in hospital. Her worry was palpable, despite her brave, "I know he is ninety one, but..." which trailed off into a sad whisper before she caught herself. "If it won't offend you, I will pray for him," I said. "Oh, thank you!" she replied.

Well,a grocery run or two later, several weeks or so in the future, we wound up in her line again. After the usual, "How are you's," I paused, then quietly asked, "I hope this is not a bad question, but how is your grandfather doing?"

I could tell she had to think a moment to place me and to recall why I was asking. Then her face split into a huge smile full of light, and she started excitedly telling us and anyone within hearing about how he was a tough old bird, how he had recovered, and was doing well. She overflowed in joy, and even after we had moved to the bagging area, she kept bubbling over including us and anyone in her line in the effusion of her joy.

I was amazed at how something so seemingly small meant so much to her, but it makes sense, really. Sometimes all we need is for someone to SEE us and care, to care if we are hurting and to celebrate with us in our joy.

Taking the time to listen when we ask, "How are you?" is such an almost microscopic action, only taking a few moments out of our day, yet how profound an impact that tiny amount of time can have!

We really are all in this together. ❤️❤️❤️
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Readers Comments

Ohiostreet wrote: How are you ? ❤ ? 😙
mish wrote: So love these beautiful open-hearted connects :) ❤️❤️
Aesthete wrote: Way to reach out! I feel like asking someone how they are doing is very important, and I wish we answered more genuinely. I'm glad you two were able to make a genuine connection!
mindyjourney wrote: Taking the time to really listen and connect is such a gift! Thank you :))))
Lightbulb wrote: Thank you. Beautiful gesture.
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for listening to her.
janfour wrote: Good for you! I have had people pause too when I mention something they told me they thought no one would remember. It is always appreciated
Kixx wrote: We really are! This was amazing. Thank you for sharing.
LittlePerson wrote: Thank you for being thoughtful to ask about her grandfather. You have made an honest human connection with her and she will carry that in her heart.
rickhiker wrote: You care about others! You can check that off your "karma to do list"

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