Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Creating a Tidal Wave of Influence

--by BlueBeacon, posted Jan 6, 2018
Hi, everyone! I am doing 92 acts of kindness this month in memory of my Grandma, who passed away a few days before Christmas. It is deeply meaningful for me to see the ripples of kindness and love making a positive impact in the world in her name. It feels like she can still do good in the world even though she is gone,

I have read so many of this community's updates and am inspired by how many creative and actively kind, world-changing people are sharing stories. I am writing to request help in reaching my goal of 92 acts of kindness -- one for every year of her life.

I am asking for those of you who are willing ... would you please do an act of kindness in my Grandmother's name? It doesn't have to be big. Just a small act of love. And comment to tell me about your act so I can track it along with the rest.

So far, we've had nearly 30 acts of kindness since I started a few days ago. You can go to my article, where I am making live updates each time I or someone else contributes an act of kindness. Please help me light up the world with goodness and kindness.

You have no idea how overwhelming and amazing it feels to read about these acts of kindness happening on behalf of my Grandma each day. Let's keep changing the world together, Thank you so much!
2156 Reads

Readers Comments

Aesthete wrote: A beautiful way to be remembered!
capblack wrote: Epic
AnnC wrote: What a wonderful way to honor and remember your grandmother. She lives on!
leoladyc728 wrote: what a fantastic way to celebrate your grandmother.
mindyjourney wrote: What a dear way to honor your grandmother's memory! ❤️
mish wrote: Am sure she's smiling down on you with such love ❤️
BlueBeacon wrote: Thank you all so much. <3
mightym wrote: I knit hats and give them away to those in need and to non profit charities. Alas, i cannot wear my own hats because i have sensitive ears and one day i was talking to a woman who also knits hats and gives them away and commented how much i liked them. And she recently gave me one which is absolutely perfect. To thank her i made a "sassy scarf" just for her and gave it to her and she was delighted. Good deeds do indeed ripple out. Be kind to our elderly. We will all be there some day! Blessings!

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