Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Reaching Out to Others While Dealing With Pain

--by Gr8flLauren, posted Jan 30, 2018
Hi there! This is my very first post as I only heard of your site today (surprisingly!) I love it! More than three years ago I founded a Facebook group called "Attitude of Gratitude with Chronic Pain" and we currently have over 3.200 members.

What makes us unique is that we have a very strict 'NO COMPLAINING' rule. Although venting is a very important part of living with our struggles, there are one million and two other pages that let you do that. I wanted a place where we could go 24/7 to be uplifted and inspired. We KNOW what the problem is-we live it every day. Our goal is to live in the SOLUTION. And the way we go about doing that is by cultivating gratitude, practicing kindness, being positive and exercising lots and lots of self love.

The daily question I put out to the group today was "What can you do to help someone today?" So often we can get wrapped up in our own struggles that we can be blind to anyone else's. By helping others, we help ourselves....we all know that. It gets us out of our own obsession of self for awhile and humbles us to know that others struggle too.

As it's a closed group, I cannot share the answers. However, anyone with a chronic condition is welcome to join here

The responses from the membership were so uplifting and positive. These are people that hurt so much every day for many different reasons (some emotional....some physical...many both), yet they take the time to do something for someone else.

If a member is bed-bound, they can do service simply by responding to a post from another member who is struggling. Being kind to someone is HELPING them! And then, of course, there are more physical things depending on our abilities.

It doesn't cost us ANYTHING to be kind. And kindness breeds more kindness.
I'm thrilled to have found this page. Thank you for your truths and your stories. And thank you for having me.
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Readers Comments

lt33 wrote: Welcome to ks 😉😃
John74 wrote: That is a wonderful group and a wonderful thing you are doing for so many. :-) Thank you for that! Welcome to KS!
laughingsoul wrote: Thank you for this beautiful sharing, thank you for coming here, welcome to kindspring, hahaha kindness communities catch up with the world or maybe the other way around? You already helped today with this post, thank you!!!!
BlueBeacon wrote: Welcome to this community! I'm new, too, and I have found it to be so welcoming and inspiring!
leoladyc728 wrote: welcome. thanks for your share
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for finding us and for being such an agent for change via focusing on kindness :)))). We are more than our challenges...and do not let our pain define us.
mish wrote: Welcome, Lauren. Glad you are here with us! Your group sounds awesome. Bless
rickhiker wrote: Not recognizing the correct problem within myself or others, blocks me from effective change within or without. I strive to recognize the truth in all things.
compassion777 wrote: Nice. Welcome to kindspring

lindariebel wrote: This is the most courageous thing i've read today!

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