Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Time Is The Best Gift

--by cabbage, posted Feb 1, 2018
Made and delivered dinner to my friend's teenaged kids who are on their own for several days while their parents are out of the country. The older one (who is in college) was very appreciative of the home cooked meal!

Then went to deliver food to our elderly friend who just moved into a senior living community. He is still settling in, and when I went to his place I thought I would just be stopping by for a few minutes, but I could tell he really wanted company so I stayed for a while, took a walk with him and gave him a tour of the nearby library. He told me I was his first visitor and he was really glad that I came.

I realized later that probably more than the home cooked food, he really valued the time I spent with him. Even though it wasn't what I had planned, I'm glad it turned out that way (I even checked out a library book for him on my card since he doesn't have one yet!)
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Readers Comments

mish wrote: Moving into a Senior living community is a huge life transition and having his first visitor very meaningful for him. Your day was full of kind 👍👍
heirloommaters wrote: Oh, you set a wonderful tone to his new place as such a wonderful first visitor. And, yes, time is a precious gift!
mindyjourney wrote: Is so important to show those we care about that we care about them :)))). Thank you for the meals and visit. Means much, my friend.
leoladyc728 wrote: I am sure you made your friend's day. and thanks for all the home cooking
DANCE wrote: How very kind, thank you for doing it and especially spending the time
Rajni wrote: Time is precious and giving someone our precious time becomes precious gift as well. Thanks for inspiring story
lindariebel wrote: Sweet from beginning to end!
Kixx wrote: So sweet of you. Thank you for sharing!

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