Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sometimes We All Need A Little Support

--by Jellybean, posted Sep 30, 2009

I will never forget a special trip to the grocery store a couple of years ago. My father had just recently passed away.  I was missing him terribly and rarely getting through a day without crying. I needed to pull myself together to get some groceries for my husband and young children.

As I entered the store, I immediately had to control my emotions as the sweet aroma of my Daddy's favorite cinnamon buns made there at our local grocery store drifted throughout the store. I made my way up and down the busy aisles and filled my cart as I read my list, which I had prepared that morning. I was approaching the in-store bakery when I just couldn't control myself any longer. I held the cart and quietly cried as I looked at the plump, gooey cinnamon buns in the case.

An older gentleman came to my side and simply said, "Would you like me to stand here with you for a moment dear?" I nodded, "Yes," and the kind man simply put his hand on top of mine, and stood there quietly supporting me as I cried. Once I gathered myself, I looked into this wonderful man's kind blue eyes and thanked him, explaining that I had just lost my father. He simply said that there had been moments in his life too, where he just needed to cry. He then walked away.

I was so very touched by this man.  I realized that too many times, we see someone sad and make assumptions about their stability or the happenings in their life, when really we should recognize that we are ALL  human, and sometimes just need a little support.

I looked again in the store for this man before leaving, and could not find him. I hope that maybe he, or someone who has done this same thing reads this and learns how the gesture truly touched, and warmed the heart of another. 

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Readers Comments

Veena wrote: Nice story
warmth wrote: U r abso right, we all need some help sometimes, i pray to god to bless your dad's soul with peace wherever he is. Keep smiling :) and thank u for ur story
MadeUSmile wrote: Obviously an angel! What a precious man! I'm so glad that he was there for you in your moment of need. It was clearly not just a coincidence. :)
dinakar wrote: Really dear.

You have experienced the real help a man can do to another. It is the help which is done with not even a mere word. Its just a samll deed which helped you to feel good in that situation. He is true human.
Leemegee36 wrote: This is a good inspiration for everyone.
marie wrote: I am glad you went to shop.
glorioski wrote: Conveys two wonderful messages: first that grief is a process and that it's alright, and beneficial to run its course, and also that it's alright to express it and allow others the opportunity to give comfort, as it is cathartic for them as well. We were certainly made to rely on and give comfort to others, each in its own unique time.
cabbage wrote: Wow. That is so so sweet.

Brought tears to my eyes just reading this.

I hope that we can all be there for someone like that man was for you.

Love and hugs,
luv4all wrote: Wow, such people do exist. I would like to be able to follow him.

Thanks for sharing such a nice experience.
yammuna wrote: Tis is sooo nis. We can also be support to sum people at sumtimes. To make others heart warm!

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