Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by foodbankcarlisa, posted Mar 4, 2018
One morning when I was delivery groceries to a woman I noticed a puppy in her yard. He was suffering with a horrible case of mange. I asked her if he was her puppy and she said yes. I asked what was wrong with him...she told me he had mange and there was nothing she could do about it...for lack of money.

My heart broke as i watched him slowly trying to find some small amount of comfort. I asked her if she would mind if I tried to help him. I told her I would try to get something to help him. Instead of going to a regular store I went to the local animal doctor and told him what the dog looked like and he told me what I needed. When I returned to the woman's home I asked her if she would be sure to bath the puppy in the solution everyday until it was used up. I made her promise because I knew I could not come everyday to make sure it was done.

Two weeks later when I returned to the house...this energetic little red ball of energy met me at the was him! all eager , tail wagging and happy. I cried and told the woman she did a great job. I asked her if I could call him Firecracker because his fur was so red and vibrant. She too with water in her eyes shook her head yes. Every time I returned to her home Firecracker always greeted me with a wag of his tail. That was the best $16 I ever spent.
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Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: I believe that good deeds we do for animals are just as important as any we do for humans.
FairyBubbles wrote: That was a lovely caring thing to do.
kapil dev suri wrote: It is called compassion, humanity. God bless you
RoseMarie wrote: Beautiful thankyou 💓rose-marie from northern ireland
mish wrote: Awesome!!!!!
darcimt wrote: Your story made my heart sing. TY for your act of kindness.
AndiCas wrote: Tails wags from here! Excellent story.
lt33 wrote: Aww puppy love so wonderful 🐕🐶
mindyjourney wrote: Great intervention, my friend, to help that wee pup :)). Thank you.
pyronik wrote: thank you, so happy to hear he's a happy ball of energy now

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