Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lost in the Airport

--by Smile Man, posted Jan 14, 2006
I was at the airport enroute to visit my parents over the holidays and was on the train heading to my terminal resting easy knowing that there was plenty of time before my flight. On the train I noticed that there was a gentleman helping a young mother who was travelling alone with a baby and didn't seem to know where she needed to go. The man asked me which gate I was going to and after realizing I was headed in the opposite direction decided he would help the mother.

At our stop I realized the man had two young boys and his own share of carry on baggage to deal with, but he was still trying to help the mother so I offered to take her from there. The mother showed me her ticket and I noticed that her flight departed in 10 minutes and she had a large stroller, some christmas presents, and a carry on suitcase which was the size of my check in bag. She gave me her ticket and I took the suitcase while she pushed the stroller and it was at this time it occurred to me how much trust she had in me. We were running to the gate and I was periodically looking to see if she was still behind me (I'm not sure where I expected her to go instead).

As we ran up to the gate I asked the attendants whether the gate was still open and they said yes. I gave them her boarding pass and said goodbye. The part of the adventure that sticks in my mind though is seeing the look of relief on her face and hearing her in broken English say, "God bless you." Needless to say as I trekked back across the terminal to my gate on the other side catching my breath I couldn't stop smiling.
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Readers Comments

Jimbo46 wrote: You were an angel for the young mother and i'm sure made god smile! Jim
EmmyClaire wrote: And they say everything is getting worse and worse. This website has proved otherwise.
Jared wrote: Wow incredible. Not only the thrill of adventure running through the airport but the excitement of helping out a stranger. So cool
beetoote wrote: Of course you couldn't stop smilinng.
touching wrote: This really made my day! I love it!
Rika wrote: Amen! Blessed times:) you are awesome:)
NewYork15boy wrote: God bless you! :)
simon wrote: Hhola
ChuxO wrote: May the fragrance of rose remain long in the hand with which you gave it
bookworm58 wrote: Your an angel in this world to help that woman. May you have a happy life,.

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