Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Jaw Dropping Performance in New York City

--by shayna.parekh, posted Sep 16, 2009

This weekend, a group of us were in Union Square, New York, watching Tylon and Macho, two contortionists and street dancers, put on a jaw dropping performance that included jumping over 7 people.  At the end, the hundreds of people watching began putting money into their bucket. 

One tiny little girl walks up with her mom, she couldn't have been more than 2 years old.  Tylon, who grew up in the Harlem projects, reaches into his bucket, folds up a couple of dollar bills, and hands them to the little girl.  Everyone who witnessed it was stunned and humbled by this pure act of giving.  Our jaws dropped for a second time. 

Inspired, my bro, Shrey, later pulled out several more bills and we snuck them into Tylon's bucket without him seeing. His small, simple act of giving will not be forgotten. 

If you happen to be in New York, be sure to catch these do-gooders Thurs-Sun evenings in Union Square, across from the Whole Foods!

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Readers Comments

twiceblessed wrote: That's a great story! Sometimes those who have the least end up giving the most. In fact, I think it might not even be sometimes -- perhaps it's true all the time. :) Thanks again for sharing.
Sydney wrote: That's so great! What an awesome thing for Tylon to do. Thanks for sharing this story.
sonrisa wrote: What a beautiful gesture from Tylon! It's amazing when you have the opportunity to witness such unexpected acts of kindness in such unexpected places :) I think it's awesome what you and your brother did to pay-forward the kindness you witnessed! Thanks so much for sharing your story! Looking forward to hearing more :)
alluneedislove wrote: Wow! That's great! I'm on holiday in ny atm so i'll make sure i'll be there and give them a little extra appreciation :)
alluneedislove wrote: What time of the evening are they performing please?
sequoiaproject wrote: How cool is that!

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