Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Flowers To The Rescue!

--by foodbankcarlisa, posted Mar 6, 2018
As an Insurance Agent I have to visit clients at their homes to collect their insurance premiums. I had an elderly client named Ms. Gooden. She is a sweet lady and always does her best to keep me at her home as long as she can. One day as I was leaving, she told me about the flowers she wished she had in her yard. She said that when she was growing up the only flowers she could remember seeing were the ones pictured on the large flour sacks. I asked her, "if you had flowers what colors would you have?" She answered me back in a sad voice that any color would be beautiful to her.

One day when I knew she had a doctor's appointment I went to a nursery and bought many colorful and beautiful flowers. I went to her home and planted them in an area of the yard so that when she looked out the window she would see a beautiful assortment of blooms.

The next time I visited her home she asked if I knew anything about the flowers. I told her no and we both smiled at each other. While I was sitting there she began to tell me about all of the beautiful butterflies that came to visit her new flower garden, about the humming birds who were fighting over the nectar. "I don't know why they fight each other," she said, "there is enough nectar for all of them." She continued to talk about all of the bees who buzzed in the flowers all day. She went on and on about this newfound joy in her life.

As I was about to leave I noticed she was so busy watching over her new garden and its visitors...she didn't even try to keep me from leaving. I realized at that moment that Ms. Gooden had been suffering from what a lot of elderly people suffer from...she was just lonely. The few dollars spent on the flowers for her flower garden were well worth the joy those flowers bought to her face and to my heart.
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Readers Comments

subh wrote: Thank you for planting a garden of joy and company for ms. Gooden. :)
lindariebel wrote: Thankful to read this this morning
RJ wrote: Wonderful story. Very moving reminder to look for ways to help others without getting any rewards. Just doing nice things is doing great!
Virginia wrote: Flowers bring joy to many people. All those who visit the lady or just pass by her house will smile thanks to your kindness. Well done.
anupreet wrote: Thank you for such a beautiful gift :)
Brinda Govindan wrote: What a wonderful gift you gave her--thank you!

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