Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing My Good Fortune With A Coworker

--by foodbankcarlisa, posted Mar 9, 2018
Recently I was shopping in the local Walmart where I ran into a former coworker. We started talking about old times when we worked together at the store. Looking at her I could sense that she was not in the best of health so I asked, "when are you going to retire?" She told me with tears in her eyes that she had retired but had to come back to work because she couldn't make ends meet with her retirement income. I told her how sorry I was and left the store.

A week later, I was fortunate to have a little extra cash and I was looking for someone to share it with. It wasn't a ton of money but it was more than what I had and I wanted to show my thanks by giving a bit of it to someone else. I was shopping at Walmart again and I noticed the same lady I had talked to a week earlier checking receipts at the door.

As soon as I saw her I thought she could be one of the people I share my blessing with. I walked around the store for a while and finally walked up to her. I called her by name and asked her if I gave her something would she keep it and not try to give it back. She looked at me puzzled and said yes. At the same moment I reached in my pocket and pulled out a $100 bill and put it in her hand. When she saw what it was she looked shocked and asked "Why me?"

I walked away because I felt myself about to cry. When I finished shopping I had to show her my receipt to leave the store, and she looked at me and thanked me and asked if she could have a hug. I told her yes as we hugged, she whispered to me that she was so thankful because things were really tight for her. 

I left the store feeling joyful and infected. Infected with the joy of serving others.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: thank you for being a conduit for the generousity of the Universe. Many blessings, my friend.
RoseMarie wrote: God will bless you even more now Lisa. Thank you and there are tears running down my face and my heart is melting. X 💓 Rose-Marie
AndiCas wrote: A wonderful act of generosity Lisa. Thankyou for telling us about it.
splain wrote: This made me cry. Thank you for just being you
savraj wrote: Beautiful and generous kindness

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