Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Started As One Of Those Days, But Ended In a Smile

--by Dogooder, posted Sep 18, 2009

This morning I woke up crabby. Haven't we all had those days? Where instead of sunggling up in a warm bed you have a list a mile long of things to do?

On my list of chores this morning was to go to the bank and deposit some money. I went to the drive through at the bank and of course there were no ENVELOPES. How annoying right? I drove around to the other side of the bank and saw that there was another ATM with plenty of envelopes.

So, I got a bunch of envelopes from that ATM machine and drove around again to the drive-through-ATM. Then I thought...SMILE CARD!!!  I filled up the container with the envelopes and in the first one I put a SMILE card and a dollar bill.  Maybe the next person doing morning errands that is going through the drive through ATM will smile when they see the dollar bill ready to be deposited!

I am finding all kinds of ways to use the smile cards and to practice random acts of kindness...and to tell you the truth, it made me SMILE too!!

1865 Reads

Readers Comments

Veena wrote: Hmmm. Good thought.
JuneBug wrote: LOL !! THAT'S GREAT !!! I love it !!! :)
sethi wrote: That's awesome
FairyBubbles wrote: That is wonderful - what a lovely surprise for someone. Big Hug.
grammagussie wrote: Cool came up with a good one this
AURELIA wrote: You are a do gooder!!! That was really nice of you to do...especially when you were so busy. Now you had a smile on your face and were ready to face the world , SMILING :) ~Aurelia

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