Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Best Teachers Are My Students

--by LiliAB, posted Mar 28, 2018
Nico came into our classroom bubbling and full of zest as only some five year olds do. Sweetly he strolled through over to where Jaxson stood lining up the Hot Wheel cars. Rather than getting into a verbal conversation with Jaxson whose autism affects his ability to engage in meaningful social conversation , Nico sat down and paralleled whatever Jaxson was doing.

When Jaxson motioned for the car that was in front of Nico, he rolled it over then smiled broadly. Jaxson soon giggled and rolled it back along the table top. Back to Jaxson, then back to Nico. Over the course of ten minutes the car zoomed back and forth,

When I tapped on the bell ringer signaling clean up time, both boys left their car game and sat together on the carpet. Nico put his arm out and Jaxson nestled in beside him, shoulders together.

No spoken words just gentle acceptance, and for me my eyes misted as I smiled wide.

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Readers Comments

AmandaRose wrote: Yep, this 💘
rgayathri wrote: Children show us the way to unconditional love. Thank you for sharing this story
pluto178 wrote: This is so very true telling somebody something gives them knowledge but it doesn’t open the doors learning does. X
Rajni wrote: Elders mins are preoccupied but children's mind and heart as well are open. `They teach us many things if we are ready to learn and not ignore or limit them with our limited beliefs. When we put faith in their abilities, they excell. Thanks for sharing this very inspiring post.Positive Thinking does help
mish wrote: Pure AWWW 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
mindyjourney wrote: Beautiful acceptance :))
leoladyc728 wrote: so very sweet and touching
Marleen wrote: Children with autism have no need for verbal communication. Their minds are on another plane most of the time. Nico has an eye for that 😍💖😇😇
Kristy wrote: A little soul we can all learn from.
Chris wrote: Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful example of unconditional love and acceptance. The children of the world are the future of the world. There’s a reason to hope things will get better!

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