Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Small Change Makes A Big Difference

--by AURELIA, posted Sep 26, 2009

I had asked my 22 year old son to bring home some milk from the grocery store where he works as a supervisor.

When he got home, he didn’t have any milk, so I asked him whether he forgot. “No I didn’t forget” he said, “I just didn’t have enough extra in my pockets today.” 
“Extra?” I asked confused. “What do mean?”
The grocery store where my son works is in quite a poor area.  Many of the people don’t have any money to pay for their groceries and they have to rely on food stamps and other government assistance.
My son said that he always goes to work with some extra change in his pockets. He said, often, when people checked out their groceries, they came up a little bit short and so he quietly tosses in the extra amount so that the people don’t have to return any of their groceries.
I had no idea that he had been doing this. I felt so proud of him when he told me.
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Readers Comments

Kamila wrote: Dear merrill family,we are sorry to learn of the passing of your fehatr, husband and grandfather. We know that you find comfort and peace knowing that he is with the lord, and you will meet him again. It was a joy to recently see your family when you visited us at our church, bethel baptist ( in charlottesville). I could see that brother merrill was weak, and even though he had been through so much, he was so full of the holy spirit. He still had his wonderful smile. Today was also our daughter, sarah's birthday. She turned 13 years old. She just stated that she will always remember him. We all will. It was such a blessing to have known him. Please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Jeff, vicki, sarah and rachel lemley
Latesha wrote: For the love of god, keep writing these artciels.
princessliz wrote: What a son you have :) Bless his heart for being so willing to give every time.
felix zocolo wrote: Its this kind of stories that make you, believe that loving others and help others,you be come a son of the heaven. I'm proud of you wonderful son,my god bless your family.
iferlamb wrote: That is truly remarkable! You should be proud of your son. Wonderful!

dinakar wrote: People have different kinds of feelings on others.

For example some feel i have to be better than him, i have good qaulities than him, he should learn from me. But the people with the attitude of your son make people to think that we have to adopt that kindness from him. You gave a great and responsible son to society. Being frank your son even moved me.
warmth wrote: Ur kids r just kind and exhuberant like u, god bless u and ur entire family
chaviv' wrote: Oohh. Beautiful. Like mother like son i guess. Yeah
mtalii wrote: Its this kind of stories that are music to my ears. Cant have enough of them.

Keep up!
Ningel Awour wrote: Thank you for sharing such a heart rending story. The bible says the reward for humility and fear of the lord is riches and honor and life. It only takes a humble person to do what your son did. Surely blessings are and will knock at your door just because of an act of kindness by your son, which may seem trivial, but great in the eyes of the creator.

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