Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Knitting Warmth for People Living Outside

--by glenystas, posted Mar 30, 2018
Winter is fast approaching here in Tasmania, Australia and this coming one is expected to be one of the coldest in quite a while. We have people who cannot find properties to rent. We also have  Community Centres that  provide lunches and food parcels for people doing it tough and I have kept in contact with two local Community Centres over the years.

I approached them recently regarding an idea for a knitathon, whereby people could donate knitted items (hats, gloves, scarves, slipper socks, rugs) and get a certificate and I would try to get some items donated to provide some prizes.

I talked to a friend at work who has franchises for 3 bakeries in the greater Hobart area to see if she would be able to donate a couple of gift vouchers... WELL! she was so taken with the idea she and her husband have donated over 300 vouchers for a months supply of bread, these are to be given to people who donate items to keep the vulnerable warm this winter.

Also 14 gift vouchers to be used as prizes for the most intricate item, most colourful item and the most prolific donation person. We have set up a facebook page and gained over 153 members in 24 hours.... from a small idea and a generous friend we are going to keep some people warm this winter.
1315 Reads

Readers Comments

janfour wrote: knitathon!!!!!!!
mindyjourney wrote: Wow!! That is some initiative!! :)))) Wonderful to hear how you began this and how it is taking the area by “storm!” Blessings of continued success!!
patjos wrote: Well done, what a great idea, I hope it all goes well :)))
Mish wrote: So fantastic!!!!! Bless ❤️
leoladyc728 wrote: amazing project
JohnMagee wrote: Thank you for your kindness.
compassion777 wrote: A great idea! Good work

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