Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: And that's how we change the world, my kind friend, one kind act after another that ripples and ripples and ripples...the efffects still being felt :))))
Mish wrote: Beautiful blooms from kindness 🌺
savraj wrote: Oh that is so wonderful. So true you may never know how your kindness will impact the world!! Beautiful!
splain wrote: One action and many ripples. Isn't it just the best?
melnotes wrote: Wonderful kindness ripples!!!!!
kjoyw wrote: Yes any act of kindness becomes magnified beyond our seeing!
FairyBubbles wrote: That was lovely of you. Xx
FairyBubbles wrote: Wow, tnat's lovely. Xx
LiliAB wrote: Rosemarie :)) i hope that you are doing well. I think of you often in your desert oasis!