Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I'll take that sandwich to go

--by RoseMarie, posted Apr 9, 2018
One day I nipped out of work during lunch time and on the way back I bought a sandwich in a local deli. When I returned to work, I realized I didn't have my sandwich. I telephoned the deli to see if I'd left it on the counter. They said I hadn't, but that if I sent a student down they would make another sandwich for me (they didn't actually know me even to see). The deli was a few minutes from the college.

I was really touched by this. I teach Business Studies as well as office administration and I relay this story to all my students.

One day about five years later, I was having lunch in that same deli. I asked if I could speak to the manager. He came to my table and he looked like he was expecting me to complain. I told him about his kindness all those years beforehand. I also told him that I use this as a great example of excellent customer service in my business studies classes. He was really touched, I think he couldn't believe it. I think he unwittingly got great value for his kind act to me. He would never have known that I was a lecturer and that I would be giving his
business free marketing publicity.

Just goes to show my friends, you never know how your kindness will be repaid to you and how many times it will be magnified. It's also good to validate kindnesses received. 

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: And that's how we change the world, my kind friend, one kind act after another that ripples and ripples and ripples...the efffects still being felt :))))
Mish wrote: Beautiful blooms from kindness 🌺
savraj wrote: Oh that is so wonderful. So true you may never know how your kindness will impact the world!! Beautiful!
splain wrote: One action and many ripples. Isn't it just the best?
melnotes wrote: Wonderful kindness ripples!!!!!
kjoyw wrote: Yes any act of kindness becomes magnified beyond our seeing!
FairyBubbles wrote: That was lovely of you. Xx
FairyBubbles wrote: Wow, tnat's lovely. Xx
LiliAB wrote: Rosemarie :)) i hope that you are doing well. I think of you often in your desert oasis!

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