Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Candy Boxes and Smile Cards

--by onefish2fish, posted Sep 26, 2009

Yesterday I decided to give out candy with smile cards. 

I went out and bought some little boxes of candy.  Then I wrapped them up and taped smile cards on top.  I was not sure when or how to distribute them but I knew that the opportunity would present itself. 

I went about my dad as usual.  I had lunch with my mom and afterwards she asked me if i could mail some things for I said sure and I went to the post during my afternoon break at work to buy some stamps and mail my mum's things.  There came my first opportunity.  Before I left the post office, I gave the postal worker a box of candy and I aslo gave one to the guy who held the door for me. 

Later that day, I went to the grocery store to stock up on some groceries and I gave candy boxes to the checker and bagger at the grocery store. 

In the evening my cousin dropped by for a visit and I gave one to her and her daughter as well. 

Just before I went to bed, my dad asked me if there was any chance I had an extra stamp.  I did.  He got the last stamp and the last candy box ;-)

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Readers Comments

FairyBubbles wrote: That is so lovely, how beautiful you are.
Big smiles.
JuneBug wrote: Opportunities present themselves..You don't have to worry about that!!! Being prepared is my fallback...LOL! :)
grammagussie wrote: Being prepared for the opportunities is the secret. Thanks for passing it hugs..
Sanyogita wrote: Lovely exp to distribute sweets n get back a big broad SMILE in return. :0)
sethi wrote: Thanks for the kindness. Strong intentions.
lmil1954 wrote: I love this story onefish! Very sweet and kind, gentle and caring!
Love, Linda:)
madeusmile wrote: All we've got to do is be prepared. The doors will open by themselves! What fun!

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