Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Who's Thinking Of You?

--by RoseMarie, posted Apr 10, 2018
When I was 7 months pregnant with my daughter, I witnessed a car accident while waiting on a bus to go to work. Someone managed to get the elderly lady who caused the accident out of the car. It was during the summer months and I was one of the few teaching staff on and it was also my first day with the group. Workmen stopped and helped the lady and gave her a blanket. I agreed to stay with her until the ambulance came but I couldn't travel with her as there was no one else in my department to cover the new class.

Fast forward about 10 years later. My mother in law was collecting donations about 10 minutes from where the accident occurred. She left calling cards saying she would be back to houses where no one was in. When she returned to a particular house an elderly lady was really keen to talk to her. She questioned my mother in law and asked if she had any relatives called Rose-Marie.

The lady had made a connection with my surname which she had remembered from all those years ago and my mother in law's surname. The lady was so pleased to relay the story to my mother in law and told her of my kindness. She also said she had tried to track me down and even put a notice in the petrol station nearby asking if anyone knew me to get in touch with her! She had also been concerned about me as I was 7 months pregnant.
My mother in law was able to tell her my bump was now a ten year old healthy little girl. I thought it was a really beautiful kindness to me to still remember me after all that time and to even remember my name. Isn't it so touching to think that you helped someone in need and that you stayed in their thoughts for such a long time afterwards because of this? Her kindness touched me more than mine could possibly touch her.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for making sure the woman was comforted until she was rescued :))). How wonderful that the kindness was remembered years later! We just never know when and how a kindness will ripple.
savraj wrote: So beautiful! I'm near tears! So wonderful that this woman was finally able to connect with you and Thankyou for your kindness!
leoladyc728 wrote: What a touching story. You really made an impact on this woman.
terre wrote: It's lovely that this woman was able to tell you through your mother-in-law how much she appreciated what you did so many years ago. And what a wonderful kindness you did for her. Thank you.
splain wrote: I loved reading this story and how after all the years your kind act came back to you again. Life is just so full of beautiful surprises.
melnotes wrote: Rosemarie thank for sharing this story with us, very special xx
kjoyw wrote: What a wonderful story! Many acts of kindness are never forgotten, many more than you might think!
AndiCas wrote: What a lovely tale.
LiliAB wrote: Rose-marie, this story is so inspirational. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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