Readers Comments
helpinghand wrote: A Great Post. Thanks For sharing.
Nandi wrote: I typed a lot and lost it bcos of the Internet error!! Anyways..typing again.
Absolutely a GREAT post!! Thanks a lot for sharing these words of wisdom. One can learn a lot through the writing of Thich Nahat Hanh.
Absolutely a GREAT post!! Thanks a lot for sharing these words of wisdom. One can learn a lot through the writing of Thich Nahat Hanh.
FairyBubbles wrote: Yes, you are right - it is funny how I find time to do somethings and not others - I'm going to work on this one.
BedBug wrote: This is wise advice.
lamplighter wrote: You seem to have experienced what has been written
Veena wrote: Nice post!
freebird wrote: This posted came along in perfeect timing. Thank you
cabbage wrote: That is so wise and perfect timing for me.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love and hugs,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love and hugs,
glorioski wrote: I so find so much comfort in the words of this gentle sage. He so gently makes what can be difficult concepts-worthy attempts at restructuring our approach to conflict. Thank you. Peace is every step, every breath, every intention.