Readers Comments
FairyBubbles wrote: That is a really beautiful story and your daughter sounds so wonderful.
HiddenGems wrote: It is always wonderful to be affirmed in our parenting skills, especially because of the many sacrifices we give to try to get it right.
grammagussie wrote: Oh waht a sweet comment out of the blue for your daughter to have. I think G-ds angles were at work. Kudos to your daughter and I hope life "treats her well"
BedBug wrote: Bless this family that had the grace to say the right thing at the right time for your daughter. And may we all look for such opportunities to serve others' needs.
cabbage wrote: So wonderful---the right words at the right time mean SOOOOO much.
Being told you are a good parent is one of the nicest things to hear! :-)
Being told you are a good parent is one of the nicest things to hear! :-)
sethi wrote: Your daughter's self estemm must have shot up hearing those words She has lots of strength and courage to face life. Thanks for sharing .
glorioski wrote: So true. The right comment at the right time has so much potential to uplift and change our focus--and knowing this to be the case, let's not be stingy with our compliments--lets give them freely to acquaintances, strangers, and friends, and lets set aside the awkwardness you might feel in doing so, knowing the recipient will reap the rewards, which is our sole intention, and we'll sit well with ourselves knowing we've genuinely given of ourselves.