Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Unexpected Blessing From Beautiful Blue Eyes

--by BlueByrd47, posted Oct 4, 2009

I saw him sitting on the grass at my local strip mall.  His hair was matted, his clothes were dirty, and he was talking but I don’t know who to because there was no one near him. People passed by but they didn't seem to see him and they didn't seem to care.  The day was sunny and warm, perhaps they were all busy taking in the beauty in that the day had to give.

But I saw him.  His name was David. 

As I watched him, he moved my heart a little. I felt a little of his loneliness and isolation. I wanted to reach out to him, to make it a little better.

I went into the nearby grocery store and bought him a cold drink and a sandwich and got some extra cash from the ATM.  I then drove back to where this lonely soul was resting, on the grass, parked the car and walked up to him. He was still alone in such a busy place, not a single person had stopped. Maybe he was there just for me. And what a beautiful blessing!

I smiled when I got close and said “Hello”. I put out my hand and touched his, I asked him his name.  “David” he replied softly. 

"Hi David, I’ve brought you some dinner and a little bit of money,” I said gently. “I want you to know that you are and will be in my prayers tonight so you take care of yourself now.” And before I left I added “has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful blue eyes?!" He looked up at and smiled then he took my hand in his and kissed it.

As I walked away with watery eyes, I turned back to see him staring at me and waving wildly.

David, a blessing that everyone just passed by, but I stopped and took it. I will always remember his incredible blue eyes.

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Readers Comments

anna wrote: That was very heartwarming. It made me want to cry and i kept reading it over and over again just so i could remember how good it really was.

Cindy wrote: This is so beautiful. I love it. I feel so happy.
Cliff wrote: To help other is a blessing in its self. I never worry about where the money goes,thats between them and god, but to just let them know they are noticed and that they matter.
debbie wrote: To truly give from the heart, one must give unconditionally.

I never worry that my 5 dollars will buy drugs or whiskey, that's up to the person i gave it to.

I'm giving the money to them for their greatest need at that moment.

And then i pray that some day they'll use that 5 dollars for bus fare home.
lakshmi wrote: The giver gets more than the receiver. The rose always leaves the hand that gave it, fragrant
Diana wrote: "being blessed and also having the wisdom to
Appreciate it, is a real precious thing to
Hold on to. " -author diana lynn neiderhiser.
Aurelia wrote: God bless you. This is such a heartwarming story. David has beautiful blue eyes and you have a beautiful caring heart. Angels everywhere. We just have to slow down and look.

iferlamb wrote: It is so wonderful that you took the time to help another and in turn he helped you. Presence is a gift not many people posses. You are blessed to be one of them.

Bonnie wrote: I don't think it is necessarily our unwillingness to help others, but more a fear of where the money we give them will (to feed an addiction). There are panhandlers out there who have homes and who play on people's kindness, whose car is right around the corner, and they have played dress up for the day. I would give the shirt off of my back, but i am careful because of the world that we do live in and the kind of people that exist. (dangerous people).
grace wrote: That very moving, go well and stay well god bless

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