Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Miracle

--by lewski711, posted May 1, 2018
I saw a man who I thought might be struggling in the McDonald's parking lot. I got out of my car and asked if I could buy him a burger and fries.

He was stunned at first and said nothing. He shook his head as if he were dreaming and said, "Sure." I asked if he wanted a drink as well. He didn't say anything. I asked again, and he asked for a milk.

When I told him I'd be right back he started to smile. When I returned with his bag of food, he was delighted and said, "You are a walking miracle." (I've never been called a miracle before).

I fist bumped him and said I'd see him around.


967 Reads

Readers Comments

ado wrote: This is beautiful. I like how you ask him what he wants to drink and you wait for him to reply instead of buying a standard cola.

Thank you miracle :)
Rajni wrote: Your compassionate heart worked a miracle. You did a good job. Thanks for sharing.
vishmin wrote: Well done. And a great gesture of goodwill and kindness
homamt wrote: Круговорот добра
lindariebel wrote: You were alert as well as kind
lt33 wrote: Aww that's wonderful 😉💜
AnnC wrote: Lovely
mindyjourney wrote: Always on the lookout for kindness ops! :))) Thank you :)). Milk is an often requested donation at our local day shelter...
leoladyc728 wrote: thanks for feeding this man. You made his day
kmbhai wrote: good.

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