Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Life-Changing Birthday Gifts

--by LiliAB, posted May 24, 2018
Today I was at the regional non-profit  blood center donating Source Plasma. My seat mate Tony was a lovely gentleman there for his 15 gallon milestone.

Rather than hold a 65th birthday party he has invited his extended family to donate blood and blood based products including platelets, plasma, bone marrow, and source plasma in his honor. Over the course of this his "birthday week" 35 of his closest buds will be sharing the Gift of Life.

What a life-changing birthday gift these people are giving! I signed my hubby up for an honorary Platelets donation on Tuesday, his first one, in Tony's honor. Every donation helps . In so many ways, these acts of kindness work to pay life forward for those in crisis. What would happen if we all did something similar?
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Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: what a great job Tony did. thanks for donating too
melnotes wrote: This is awesome! Great thing to do :)
AnnC wrote: What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday -- by giving the gift of life!
Mish wrote: I bow to Tony & all you beautiful donors ❤️
DANCE wrote: wow, so very kind, I'm touched
kjoyw wrote: Such wonderful giving, Lili
Rajni wrote: We need more awareness about donating blood. It is very kind act that saves lives. In some rare blood group, it can even save the life of the doner. I am fortunate to donate about 60 times. You are helping a good cause by donating blood. Hope this inspires others to follow suit. Thanks for sharing.
lindariebel wrote: Very inspiring -- i have a birthday coming up in a few months and maybe i'll do something like this

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