Stories of Kindness from Around the World

We Don't Always Know Our Impact

--by SissyLee, posted May 23, 2018
My little harp and I went back to the Memory Care home yesterday. I hadn't been in a couple weeks as I was feeling tired and adrift -- no feedback from Hospice and not sure how much the patients noticed.

The volunteer coordinator called me last week and asked, well, when are you going there again? I replied that I was uncertain if anyone noticed or cared and that I felt very alone in my endeavor. I hadn't heard from Hospice in a couple of months. He became quiet and said, that was his fault. He told me that while the people there may not show response, the staff reports the residents sleep better and are calmer.

Two of the men patients had passed, but my three gals were there and wheeled out to sit in a semi-circle while I played. One was asleep, another in some quiet place, but she did make eye contact once -- I was glad to see her upright and not face-planted on the table. The third is the one who can't speak clearly but she can wave at me and smiles and makes very attentive eye contact. If I look at her and smile as I play, she snaps her eyes to mine and grins and makes happy sounds and clasps her hands. The staff is caring and trained.

And wouldn't you know, a thank you note came in my mail, signed by the hospice staff.

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Readers Comments

Painiacs wrote: I know patients may not always acknowledge your prescense but please don't stop. Music is very soothing and therapeutic, hearing is one of the last senses to leave
mindyjourney wrote: It’s good to receive validation that your music is appreciated, my friend 🎶 ❤️. Thank YOU for each compassonate note!
patjos wrote: See post above :)
Mish wrote: I admire your authenticity with the volunteer coordinator, Sissy👍
1sher wrote: What a wonderful thing, you have the ability to give to those folks~Thank you.
AndiCas wrote: It must be very hard to keep motivated when you don't receive feedback, but I am quite certain that your music and caring are appreciated by the listeners even when you don't hear back from the staff. I love how honest you've been with the Volunteer Coordinator in this story.
healingtree wrote: It has always sounded to me that you make a significant impact on the patients and families. Music is a proven therapeutic tool; it is only lack of desire to fund it that keeps so many patients in need of this service from receiving it. Of course not all staff are going to be sensitive to the importance, but really, Sissy, if you are needing any reassurance please just check those medical articles I've read which show what a physically calming effect music has on patients in many areas of medicine, not only hospice. But I do believe there is something especially wonderful about what you do with your harp in hospice care. I know it would be a great comfort to me. Blessings in abundance your way, my generous friend~~~~~~•°•°•°❤°•°•°•°
John74 wrote: You are doing wonderful things! Thank you!! <3
leoladyc728 wrote: your music must be so soothing to these patients. glad you got a note to acknowledge your work there
kjoyw wrote: Lovely, soul healing music. Thank you.

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