Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Neighborhood Party with a Special Surprise

--by cabbage, posted Oct 9, 2009

We had a great neighbourhood party this weekend. We all gathered on someone’s driveway and everyone brought one dish. It was an international food theme so we had lots of interesting treats.

Our neighbour Margaret is 97 years old and it was her birthday soon. I thought it would be fun to celebrate her birthday at the same time so I baked a big cake and lots of brownies. I took it over to the party driveway along with some construction paper and colored markers. I had bought it for the kids, so that they could make her birthday cards.

When Margaret came over in her motorised scooter we yelled “SURPRISE!” and sang her “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”. We all gave her big hugs and the kids surrounded her and proudly gave her the cards that they had been making. It was so awesome.

Margaret’s son and daughter-in-law were there too and I could tell that they were really happy too. Everyone was in such a great mood.

It was so cool to see so many generations come together - from an adorable toddler who was 18 months old all the way to this amazing 97 year old woman.

I would really recommend that you have a "neighbor party" wherever you live and you'll be happily surprised by how easy and fun it is to "throw together" a good time.

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Readers Comments

glorioski wrote: Unexpected love and generosity is some of the best kindness to receive. And everyone present got to share in it. In the christian traditions, whenever two or more are gathered, there is love. And so it is.
samantha wrote: Great if you ever need to talk or just get the help you can contact me
iferlamb wrote: Too cool!

FairyBubbles wrote: That sounds a fantastic idea - and it brought smiles all round!
sethi wrote: Really great you had such fun . Friendly neighbours make all the differce in the neighbourhood.
Sanyogita wrote: Ur words say how happy u might have felt by celebrating ur neighbours b`day.I am grateful to you,that you made an old lady`s b`day so special.Often,old people are forgotten,but u were awesome.:)
anonimus wrote: thats a wonderful idea, and everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves..thanks for making that lady's birthday so special,anyone would love to have you as a neighbor..have a wonderful day/night.:-}:-}:-}

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