Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Shared Joy

--by lifeisgoodforme, posted Jun 21, 2018
I help at a shelter for homeless and troubled teenagers and sometimes it's very hard to see progress or feel optimistic about their future.

One girl we have with us now is doing well and got her first job recently. She wanted to set up a checking and savings account so I volunteered to help her do that. Sitting there with her and the banker I felt such pride for her and was so happy to be part of this joyful occasion. The banker even called me her "Mom" when we left and both of us just smiled. A true feel-good moment.
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Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: I've done this work and know exactly what you mean about discouragement. So hurray for this girl!
Subh wrote: Such a joyous moment. Thank you for taking care and instilling hope. :)
deactivated wrote: lovelyyyyyy........
alisamom wrote: fantastic!
KindMyst wrote: You are the excellent person this teen girl needs, someone who can be confident and proud of all she is accomplishing. We all have similar experiences to this girl maybe not is so dramatic ways but when in our youth we encountered more reproach from adults than acceptance. Keep supporting these beautiful teens.
mish wrote: The work you do is life-changing for them. Bless you x
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for encouraging such new growth :)). You are the change we want to see in the world, my friend. Blessings.
terre wrote: What a great kindness you are doing! Thank you.

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