Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Gift Of A Sunset

--by kjoyw, posted Jun 10, 2018
We were down at the beach and trying to find a place to park in one of the numerous, and somewhat pricey, public parking lots. We were trying to get down to the beach in time to watch the sunset - one of my all time favorite things to do. After several failed attempts, we finally found one spot in the last lot so we pulled into the only space available.

As we were on our way to pay the price of parking there, a woman came up to us and said she had just paid for two hours (all the time we needed) but she had just been called back home and asked if we would like to have her parking pass. She refused to take any money for it and insisted that we take it. We gladly accepted it and thanked her for her kindness.

It was truly a "paying it forward" experience that we have often done, but one that hasn't been done to us that often. Such gratitude for that - so much more than the price of the parking pass. Accepting the kindness of others is part of this process. We felt that and blessed by that kindness.

We got down to the beach in time to watch the sun setting because of this woman's kindness and we were so grateful. It was a wonderful experience and the sunset was such a glorious sight!
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Readers Comments

brindlegirl wrote: So very true and something I must remember too ... that accepting a kindness from another is a kindness too!
KindMyst wrote: What a fortunate "pay it forward" experience and you got to watch a beautiful sunset. Double your joy.
mindyjourney wrote: Lovely sunset kindness <3. You were able to exerience the beauty of the setting sun, through the recent appreciation of being gifted a parking spot :)). So true. To receive is like giving too :))
Mish wrote: Your good coming back to you x
terre wrote: Receiving graciously is a gift to the person giving...
pluto178 wrote: Unless the many accept the gifts there is no point is giving them.........x
melnotes wrote: What a wonderful blessing :) I love sunsets too xx
lindariebel wrote: She gave you a sunset -- beautiful
Lilijourney wrote: Kate, this share is brilliantly kind. Thank you for accepting the present 💝

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