Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Life's Burdens

--by perezs2000, posted Jun 5, 2018
I had a client mail me her requirements to renew her county insurance, and as I read her letter that explained how she was managing I knew I had to help in some way or form. She stated that she had to sell items and do odd jobs just to have enough money to pay her utility bills. Luckily her house was paid for since she had been living in the house for many years.

This elderly woman does not receive any assistance from the government and lives by herself. I not only renewed her insurance for a year but mailed her information for other organizations that provide assistance with financial, food and incidentals. As a Social Worker I am compelled to help other because it is was I love doing.

I mailed her a pay it forward card along with a personal check for her to cash and pay for her light bill, or to use for whatever she needs. At times like this I wish I had more to give but at least I know I am helping someone in some way and that makes me a happy person.
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Readers Comments

mish wrote: Beautiful passion for helping ...blessx
terre wrote: That is wonderfully generous. Thank you so much for helping this woman.
mindyjourney wrote: Such a kind and generous heart <3. Many thanks and blessings, my friend.
alisamom wrote: Waht a wonderful thing to do!
pluto178 wrote: Could she consider moving to a smaller property and freeing up some of her own cash to live a more comfortable life......she cant take it with her.............what a social worker you put most of them to in a million. x
melnotes wrote: Thank you so much fro your kindness :)
Rajni wrote: You did a great job. Thank god that you got a chance to help her. Some may have harmed her for personal gain. You on the contrary helped her financially. May others get inspired by your act. Thanks for sharing.

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