Stories of Kindness from Around the World

"Amma, Please See the Doctor"

--by kanadenipun, posted Jun 24, 2018
After playing badminton, I was about to leave the facility when I saw Amma. She's the maid responsible for cleaning, an old lady in her late 60s, and she was talking to the owner, requesting some cash. Her hand was in pain and she wanted to see the doctor. The owner gave some excuses and escaped.

I felt bad for her, so although I was outside the facility and it was dark, I turned back and opened my wallet. I knew I didn't have much, but I gave her whatever came out into my hand. In my broken Tamil, I tried to say "Amma, please see a doctor" but I don't know if it was correct.

When I left for dinner to a nearby restaurant, surprisingly I had one bill which was more than enough for my meal.

I see Amma in the evenings, and even though it was pitch dark that day, she remembers me well and waves to me every time.
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Readers Comments

Ashwin wrote: May you continue being generous. God bless you
Subh wrote: Thank you for being there for amma. Bless you!
lt33 wrote: Such kindness reaching out to the lady so she can get the help she needs thank you 😉
patjos wrote: thank you :)))))))
unknown wrote: A random act of kindness opportunity. Don’t you love those.
AndiCas wrote: That's a beautiful thing that you did.
jgredhook wrote: Passing it on, beautiful
1sher wrote: what perfect timing you were there~
Mish wrote: Bless you.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your generous heart in giving ❤️

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