Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping Friends In Need

--by AnnC, posted Jun 19, 2018

I was so proud of my husband today. He has always been kind and caring, but today he went above and beyond. This morning he changed the oil and then did some other routine maintenance on an elderly neighbor's car, and after that he mowed another neighbor's lawn!

While mowing, he learned that another member of our community had been very ill and his wife was looking for someone she could hire to mow their grass. Hubby went right over and got the job done (for free of course!).

Shortly after he got home, he received a call from another friend asking for a ride to the auto parts store. His friend needed to get a part to fix his vehicle. So hubby is off again to help a friend -- and I know he will stay and help him fix the car once they get the necessary part.

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Readers Comments

laughingsoul wrote: What a wonderful couple, cheers for you two dear AnnC!
Mish wrote: You both add so much kindness to our world, Ann. Bless you both. ❤️❤️
Rajni wrote: Your encouragement help your husband keep his compassionate heart do kindness for all who ask for or deserve his help. Actually speaking you are one heart in two bodies. Thanks for sharing this very inspiring share. May God bless both of you.
AmandaRose wrote: Indeed, you are a good friend
leoladyc728 wrote: he sounds like a really good man
petroskryf wrote: So many deeds of kindness. Thank you for sharing.
mindyjourney wrote: You are such a wonderful kindness couple! Don’t you just love how our partners have more time for kindness in their retirment?? Big HUGS for your hubby :))))))))
pluto178 wrote: A natural good guy x
Babs D wrote: What a lovely man you have! Cherish him every day, and thanks for sharing.
kalaa wrote: You two are an inspiration to the rest of us. May you continue to be the wonderful people you are.

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