Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Car Park Tidy

--by patjos, posted Jun 29, 2018
I scraped the weeds and earth from off the village car park surface back into the borders last night while waiting for Cubs to finish, which was a help to the volunteers who pretty up the village with their plants and flowers.
Then I litter-picked the recycling area. I got one or two strange looks, but continued regardless. I did get talking to one man who had left the village in the 60’s and had only recently moved back into the area and we got to talk about volunteering. Wish I’d taken a pic to show here. 
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: We trust you picture is not essential. You did a very good job. May others get inspired.
lindariebel wrote: When my mom was quite old and her mind was slipping, she would do this kind of thing. It was what she could offer. I'm glad i didn't interfere.

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