Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Honoring My Father

--by SissyLee, posted Jul 18, 2018
My father and I have a complicated relationship, full of good and bad. On Father's Day, I choose to honor the good from our history and this year I made him some homemade biscotti (dried apricot with chia, flax and hemp seeds mixed in -- my "hippy" biscotti).

I sent a card with a bookmark of pressed flowers, as he loves to read, some low sugar snacks, and a list of the things he taught me when I was young.

The list included: how to change a tire and my oil, how to use a knife, to love reading and writing (he was an English teacher), to question authority, how to pitch a tent, wash dishes with sand, wilderness survival, how to shoot a 22 and fire off a wrist rocket, to love the wild places, to be interested in the stories and lives of all people, to despise racism, and to follow your dreams.

He told me he cried upon reading my list and said that I had a good memory. I am grateful for these moments.
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Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: I can't think of a better gift. That was beautiful.
Mish wrote: This so touched my heart, Sissy. Bless you both ❤️❤️ And "hippy biscotti" made me smile wide :))) ✌️
DANCE wrote: SO lovely!
leoladyc728 wrote: it sounds like the perfect gift for him. so very thoughtful of you
pluto178 wrote: I am so pleased it went well for you you were very thoughtful my only alternate view would be to intensely dislike racism rather than despise don’t let your dislike of something bring negativity to you....... for me my heart bleeds for racists because they have no clue that they are showing the world how much they hate themselves.......... glad your Dad was so pleased x
mindyjourney wrote: What beautiful gift, my focus on the positves and share with father. So much love and thought...father felt it too ❤️
kjoyw wrote: So very touching! So great a choice to hoponor the good!
lindariebel wrote: I suspect that your gift softened him up considerably, in the best way.
Amberquinnhair wrote: No matter what our relationships with our parents are- good or bad it still helps form who we are. So either way our parents have gave us more than we might recognize. I have a very strained relationship with my father. I use to get mad and blame him but now i thank him. He may not be the father i hoped for but he was always teaching me who i wanted to be and what i need to be for myself and for my own children. Sounds as if you understand that already though. <3

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