Stories of Kindness from Around the World

This is Love

--by rudrick, posted Jul 4, 2018
Sometimes it is the witnessing of kindness and love has the most powerful effect. One time, while waiting for a procedure in the hospital waiting room, I saw something amazing happen.

A man and woman were there together - the man was in a wheelchair, sunken, pallid, crumpled into himself. He had a bottle of oxygen next to him, and was sitting like someone who had had all his strings cut.

Next to him, his wife had a little travel guitar out and was strumming softly. She started singing a song to him in almost a whisper, and he joined in. Their song was barely heard, but his visage changed.

He seemed to be able to draw in a breath, and as they sang together, the light of life came back into his eyes. His head became erect, no longer hanging down. You could see his shrunken chest start expanding. This was a man looking like death, suddenly returning to life, as he sang with his wife.

Her love for him could be seen in her eyes, and his love for her, when he finally looked up to her. I was too awed to even cry. It was an expression of love such as I rarely see: a soul, two souls, giving each other life itself.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: My eyes filled with tears reading this. The power of Love. ❤️
rudrick wrote: I was too far away, on the other side of the waiting room to hear what song they sang, but it was surely a love song, regardless.
mindyjourney wrote: often, so very often, those are the very moments that sing us to life too 💕
leoladyc728 wrote: so sweet. I would have cried
SissyLee wrote: Song is so wonderful and deeply healing.
kjoyw wrote: Oh, what a touching, lovely story. Thank you for sharing this.
sethi wrote: Thank you. Beautiful. An expression of love at it's best.
Yvonne McAskill wrote: Thank you, we all need these moments of wow. How blessed you were to witness this love for the sake of love. And we are blessed that your wow caused you to share this beautiful story.
Sandra wrote: Thank you so much for sharing the moment - love at its brightest, a cherished memory for each of them i'm sure. It is touching to evidence love that lasts and builds with age. God's blessing upon that couple and upon you as the witness.

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