Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Not again! Finding Opportunity in Challenge.

--by Subh, posted Jul 12, 2018
It was the fourth frame that needed replacement, and as a way to teach my son a lesson, I decided to buy the cheapest one. However, even that was six hundred dirhams after discount. I bought the frame but deep within,my thoughts were for those who can’t afford and hence are deprived through no fault of theirs.

That’s when an idea struck and just by coincidence I received a flyer on a parent’s what app group asking for old/spare/ rejected glasses for donations. The cutoff date was 20/6/2018 which is today.

With full enthusiasm, I circulated the flyer to my acquaintances but a lot of questions were asked about permission to do the same and how authentic this was. This put me in doubt and in a way slowed if not marred my zeal.

But if you set a pure intention the universe will conspire and make it happen. Yesterday, out of the blue, a colleague from another department  approached to find out if I would like to take her old glasses. She had been to many shops and talked to people but having failed, decided to ask me.

My instant reaction was silence and I needed a good shake to believe what I’d just heard. I don’t know how she had read my mind and heart but today which is the last day of collection, she got me more then a dozen glasses to hand over to help a fraction of the 200 billion people who need our support.

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: I so agree that when the intention is pure, doors open. Wonderful, Subh 👍
mindyjourney wrote: It is a wonderful thing, the gift of vision :)). The Lyon’s Club in the USA (maybe globally too?) take donated glasses and redistribute :))
1sher wrote: That is beautiful, friend - congrats!
Rajni wrote: When our pure heart wants to help others selflessly universe takes over the driving seat. We are but an instrument in this regard. May this post inspire others. Thanks for sharing.
John74 wrote: Wow! That is awesome!!😁❤️❤️
AnnC wrote: Thank you for doing this. In the United States the Lions Club collects glasses which are sent to other countries to help those who can not afford glasses.
leoladyc728 wrote: fantastic
DANCE wrote: wow, brilliant

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