Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lessons from a Remarkable Co-worker

--by terre, posted Jul 13, 2018
One of the women in my workplace recently retired. She had worked there 42 years, in different locations and positions, but all focusing on helping children. She is a remarkable woman and I will miss her. One of the things she did was share some thoughts that another woman had sent to her many years ago. I think they are important and am sharing them here with you all now.

1) Spend more time on the who than the what. What you do will always be less important than who you become.

2) Follow your heart. Pay far more attention to what YOU think than what everyone else thinks.

3) Develop a strong ‘maverick muscle.’ Be willing to bend the rules, learn how to disappoint others gracefully, get comfortable with people not liking you and always strive to be an original thinker!

4) Build your courage muscles. Starting tomorrow, practice doing one small thing a day that frightens you.

5) Don’t go to the hardware store for milk. When you are excited about doing something new, make sure you turn to those people who will encourage you to take a chance—the ones who believe in you rather than those who will tell you why an idea won’t work.

6) Live by this mantra: where there’s a will there’s a way. Don’t give up when things get hard and don’t ever let anyone or anything put limits on you.

7) And finally — Stay Connected, in person, too. Your use of technology—email or instant messaging for example, will never replace the value of a live connection with someone.
808 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Thank you for much wisdom here!
mindyjourney wrote: Such a wonderful share! Many thanks to colleague and to you.
melnotes wrote: What a wonderful list!!!!! This is a great share, thank you so much for these words of wisdom!

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