Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Finding The Courage To Wipe The Windows

--by whitemigaloo, posted Oct 19, 2009

Here I was, as any other morning, in front of the bread store.  Today, the door was opened. Outside it was cold enough.  I stepped inside and I saw some pieces of cloth on the stairs. The door's window was wet - at a closer look I saw it was sprayed with window cleaning liquid. I stopped. I saw there were two other ladies in the store, waiting to be served. 

I looked again at the few pieces of cloth, hanging there, exactly in front of me. I thought about Help Others stories. Suddenly I felt I had the courage to pick one up and wipe the window. "Don't worry about it" I heard. "I'll do it later. There is plenty of time" and she laughed, blushing all over. 

I realized I didn't do it for her. Some force inside pushed me to do it just to show me that I can humble myself, without being afraid of the ridiculous. This was huge for me. 

I told the lady I had to wait anyway before I could be served and just wanted to make myself useful in this time. She agreed. I bought my bread and I got home, feeling tremendously changed.

Thank you, Helping Others! You inspired me in claiming back my courage to do what I feel urged to do.

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Readers Comments

MadeUSmile wrote: What a kind gesture! I'm sure that you started her day off on the right note with that one!
JuneBug wrote: That's ''clearly'' a funny and wonderful post !!! :)
Bluebell wrote: Lovely post, thank you so much for sharing such sweet act of kindness. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
LoveandLight1111 wrote: That was very nice and well said. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us :)
Aurelia wrote: WOW, Oh WOW :0) I am smiling and very proud of you! I'm sure it felt fantastic! Doing small acts of kindness have big rewards...we find our Smiles, warm our hearts and the people we help out have new faith in humankind. :0)
whitemigaloo wrote: Thank you, MadeUSmile, JuneBug, Bluebell, LoveandLight1111 and Aurelia.
Yes, Aurelia, restoring faith in humankind ... so much needed now. Believing in the people close to you, stop believing in social systems and institutions.
cabbage wrote: That is so awesome! Having the courage to act as we know we should is not always easy--but life is beautiful when we do.

Kudos to you!

Love and hugs.
jsmc10 wrote: It's helping me build my courage too :)

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