Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Small Gesture Can Mean So Much

--by TassyAnne, posted Oct 22, 2009

Many years ago, I was walking around Palma and for once, I decided to take a short cut down some 60 old, steep stone steps. On my way down, I came across an elderly lady who was clearly struggling to get down the steps, she had very swollen and painful looking legs, plus her shopping bag.

As I walked past, I thought to myself, if that was me, what would I hope for?  So I told my boyfriend of the time to hold on.  I asked the lady if she needed any help and she gratefully accepted. 

I handed the shopping bag to my boyfriend and took hold of the lady's arm.  Throughout the 10 or so minutes it took to slowly get down the steps, this lady told me how she was on her way to the hospital for a check up on her legs due to a painful condition she had.  She could not stop thanking me and telling me how God had heard her and sent me to help.

Now, I'm not a religious person, nor was I in it for the feelgood factor; whether it was divine intervention, fate or what, I do not know but it was the first act of kindness I had thought of giving a stranger.

I will never forget the look of pleasant surprise and gratefulness of this lady.  When we arrived at the bottom, I asked how she was getting to the hospital.  Bless her, she told me she would walk.  I offered to pay for a taxi but she graciously refused my offer and said she was over the worst part of the journey and I had been generous enough.

Whenever I go back to Palma, I always think of that lady and walk down those steps.  I don't quite know why - I think in some vague hope of seeing her again and seeing how she is, but I never have seen her again.

Realising what a small gesture can mean to others has made me try and put myself in others shoes and offer assistance where possible, even if it's just helping with shopping bags; a smile to someone who looks hassled; opening a door.  What never ceases to amaze me is the extremes of reactions - either no acknowledgment (not that I want it, just common courtesy) or the look of happiness/surprise that someone has noticed.

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Readers Comments

MadeUSmile wrote: She was lucky you came to her aid. Very sweet of you to slow your pace long enough to help her. So often we rush through life and may not notice those who need assistance...or the many simple blessings that life has to offer!
glorioski wrote: Your desires intersected. Your desire to live by the Golden Rule, her desire to get some assistance through "The worst Part of the journey" The fact that you were in the same place at the same time, having desires that intersected is synchronicity, and synchronicity is no accident. By sharing your experience, you invite those who see to join you, knowing that there is help on the worst part of the journey. Somehow I think She helped you on your Journey too.
NavNit wrote: No words to tell. God bless u frnd.

We can see god thru others blessings and smile. According to dat lady u r a god to her. Take care.

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