Stories of Kindness from Around the World

We're All in this Together

--by elderstones, posted Aug 13, 2018
It was definitely one of "those" days. Everyone was frustrated and so over the wonders of winter, after nearly 6 feet of snow fell during a few weeks period. Once the snow finally stopped, it was time to venture into the great outdoors.

Driveways and roads were plowed, so I went out to get supplies...I'm now the proud owner of a roof rake, which I've never, ever before possessed in all my time in MA. 

What I remember the most during this time was how everyone I met in the great outside world were so kind and polite, with this attitude of, "we're all in this together." For instance, after being nearly run down in the parking log of a shopping center, the driver rolled down her window and profusely apologized. On previous occasions, an interaction like this was usually met with anger, yelling, and blame placing. But today, it was met with unprecedented politeness. I was greeted by strange men, treating me like an old friend at the hardware store (which was conveniently stocked with everything I needed), and I had a long conversation with the women in the beauty department at CVS about the uses of knee-high stockings for ice dam melting and the merits of Icebugs.

Everyone was being extra cautious because we literally could not see around the mounds of snow at every intersection. It was kind of nice to commiserate and share tips.

Above all, everyone was so thoughtfully kind to one another. It was a time when we all seemed to sense our connectedness to one another and our need to rely on others while offering our own services to those whom we could serve.
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Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: Lovely reminder of an extra blessing from snow.
2KittyFamily wrote: I haven't lived in ma in a long time but i remember that sort of kindness and helpfulness toward each other happening 40 years ago (did i really just say that? Am i really that old? ) during "the blizzard of '78"
Mish wrote: So agree...being kind only too in NYC (not nearly as much snow as you)..we are getting winter weary from frequent snow/ice, but our kindness grows proportionally. Soon Spring...let us hold that thought?!! ((((HUGS))))
mindyjourney wrote: Great post about community growth through challenges :))). Blessings of enough snow now! Thank you, friend. Be safe and careful.

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