Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Helping Hand, Literally

--by NoOnesNME, posted Aug 15, 2018
When the battery pack on old man's scooter shifted out of place as he hit a bump, I thought my good deed was done when I helped him reconnect it and return it to its rightful place.

As I walked off, he stopped me again and asked him to reach into the bag he had strapped to to his back. In a certain pocket he had cigarettes and a lighter, and as I handed them to him I realized he had hooks where his hands would have otherwise been.

Instinctively, and without words, I pulled one out of the pack, placed it in his mouth, and lit it for him as he puffed. Again he thanked me and was off in an instant.

My girls were with me and of course this was the topic of the day. What happened to him daddy? Why didn't he have legs? Where were his hands? Why did you have to help him? Who was he? On and on.

I was fortunate enough to be in the right spot at the right time, and literally lend a helping hand to someone while at the same time being an example to my girls and being blessed with a wealth of opportunity to explain to them about disabilities, kindness, and all their other curiosities.
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Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: I also like your nickname/handle for this site.
mindyjourney wrote: Wow! Universe did indeed put that man in path for further learning of your dear girls. Thank you for your kindness and lessons, my friend. Blessings.
mish wrote: Bless
SOTProject wrote: So thoughtful :)
melnotes wrote: Thank you for being a great example and making this world a better place 😊

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